Mind The Gap



Law firms have been very forward thinking and public about their commitments to inclusion and diversity.

They have looked at the routes into the profession as well as the internal processes around pay, access to training, quality of work, pay and promotion, with graduate recruitment being the most visible area of success, it’s easy to think the job is done.

However, the internal reality of a law firm needs to match the external claims about diversity and inclusion otherwise the sector will be criticised for tokenism, hypervisibility, stereotyping and ‘diversity dishonesty’.

Rather than glossing over the challenges, we believe it is better to actively look for them, and to seek practical solutions to each one.

Lloyd Stephenson of BCLP and Raphael Mokades of Rare present on two concrete examples of change that have come out of a forensic, red-flag-hunting approach.

Global Director of Inclusion, Diversity and Recruitment